Retreat vacation: How to find your Retreat?

Nils Schlüter
December 3, 2024
5 min read
Relaxation retreat

Retreat Vacation

Although there is no exact information on worldwide retreat attendance figures, one thing is clear:
Retreat holidays are becoming increasingly popular. In this article, you can find out what the increased interest in retreats could be due to, what exactly a retreat means & how you can choose a suitable retreat.

Retreat Meaning

The word “Retreat” is not only being associated with relaxation but also increasingly with vacations. The word “Retreat” means something like “Retreat” or “Retreat.”

Slow living, stress reduction, nature-oriented holiday experiences are closely linked to Retreat vacations.

Retreat Definition

Before we opened our first retreat in the Sri Lankan jungle in 2017, we quickly realized that we were differentiating ourselves from hotels, holiday apartments or other concepts. Our retreat concept is defined as follows:

1. Focus topic
2. Start & end (e.g. weekly package)
3. Content builds on each other
4 Personal approach (limited number of participants)
5th place for like-minded people
6. One-off or recurring retreats

Retreat guests between surf & yoga sessions in the pool. Foot Surf Spirit Jungle Villa Sri Lanka.

Why are Retreats becoming more popular in general?

Although there is no exact information about the annual retreat participants, retreat holidays seem to be in increasing demand.
However, the demand for retreat trips doesn't seem surprising when you consider the following trends:

  • Wellness & health tourism Is booming
  • stress reliever plays a bigger role in choosing holidays
  • Authentic/personal experiences According to studies, it is becoming increasingly popular in connection with tourism
  • larger retreat offer & more diverse focus topics attract a larger target group
  • More conscious vacation choice
  • Like-minded people & community Aspect is little considered in package holidays & individual holidays
The cuisine in retreats is usually in line with a healthy lifestyle.

Retreat vs. Hotel Vacation

This is what distinguishes retreats from hotels. Compared to a retreat vacation, hotel holidays are usually not limited in time.
Arrival and departure can be booked flexibly here. On the other hand, hotels with treatments are usually not specialized and do not offer the individual quality & care of a retreat program.

Retreat Pro:

  • Focus on self-discovery, relaxation, specific topic
  • Often in quiet surroundings
  • Retreat Eating healthier
  • Inclusive services (e.g. meals, courses)
  • Contact with like-minded people (interest groups)
  • More personalized approach (no mass tourism)
  • All-round carefree package

Retreat Against:

  • Less flexibility & spontanity (check daily schedule)
  • Often more expensive than hotel holidays
  • Limited selection of activities (focus on specific content)

Creative & nature-oriented holiday offers in Habitat Algarve in Portugal.

What are the main reasons why retreats are attended?

A retreat vacation gives you the opportunity to

  • to calm down and reduce stress
  • focus on a specific topic (For example surf, yoga, relaxation, detox, etc.)
  • new energy to refuel,
  • new perspectives to win
  • healthy habits to develop
  • like-minded people to meet.
  • Development/continuing education of a specific Topics (Surf & Yoga example)
Retreats often attract like-minded people. Compared to a hotel vacation, retreats usually offer a personal atmosphere. Photo of the Surf Spirit Jungle Villa campfire.

How to find the perfect Retreat

The selection of retreats is huge. To find the right offer for you, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my goals with the retreat?
  • What type of retreat am I interested in? (surfing, yoga, meditation, fasting, etc.)
  • Where would I like to spend my retreat? (By the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, etc.)
  • How long should my retreat last?
  • How high is my budget?

Additional tips: Consider the following points when choosing a retreat:

  • Online reviews
  • Which services are included (additional costs?)
  • Find out about accommodation and food

A Retreat vacation is an investment in your wellbeing. Vacation periods are usually very tight. In addition, this practice is not carried out regularly. Take the time to find the right offer for you and enjoy a break from everyday life!

A retreat usually has a focus topic. From spiritual retreats to sporting retreats, there is a wide range of offers. With a fixed arrival and departure date, sessions and content can be easily combined. Photo Surf Spirit Habitat Algarve in Portugal.

Host Your Own Retreat

As a Coach I Teacher trainer or company, Surf Spirit also offers options to host your own retreats.
It is not always easy to find the right location.
You should consider the following factors when choosing a retreat location:

- maximum number of participants?
- What type of Zimmern Are there (double, twin, triple rooms, etc.?)
- daily routine: Freely designable? options?
- What kind of support is provided on site?
- Inclusive kitchen & meals (or hire a chef yourself?)
- Which meals Are there offers? (3 meals a day? Options Vegetarian, Vegan?)
- Cleaning (If and when will cleaning be carried out)
- transportation (Airport shuttle offer?)
- Free day Activates? Mediation?
- Seasonal features?
- Price per week per person or fixed price?

Surf Spirit Retreats

Die Surf Spirit We founded retreats in 2017 (Click here for the origin story) Our goal was always to create a personal atmosphere far away from mass tourism.
In our retreats, the content builds on each other. This makes the surf & yoga courses in our 7-day retreats more efficient.
Year after year, we have continued to adapt our retreat experience and have now 4 retreat locations with great reviews. Feel free to see for yourself and take a look at the guest feedback:
In addition to surfing, yoga, meals & accommodation, we attach great importance to inspiring local teams and try to create a special vibe.
If you have any questions, we are always available for you.

The Surf Spirit Retreat in Andalusia hosts weekly retreats for 15 participants. Focus on surfing, yoga & healthy food in a small boho villa within walking distance of the beach.

Surf Spirit Retreat concept

Although there are 4 different locations that all have their own character, Surf Spirit stands for a philosophy, a spirit & a community in all retreat locations.

- Professional surf lessons for all levels
- Beginner & advanced surf spots available
- Zen & Adventure
- Activating & Restorative Yoga Lessons
- Vegan friendly, mostly organic products
- community of like-minded people

*In Portugal, there is also a package without surfing. Here, the focus is more on Yoga & Creation.

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